Networking and personal presentation
Tips to help you network and present you best self to employers.
These resources cover six different learning areas: applying for jobs; job search strategy; knowing about jobs and employers; knowing what you want and can offer; networking and personal presentation; and gaining work experience.
Tips to help you network and present you best self to employers.
Tips and advice on managing your online profile and how to use it to benefit your job search.
Use this tip sheet to learn more about industries and occupations for which you may be suited.
Tips on different ways of gain work experience.
Learn about the benefits of volunteering.
Find out about the different types of work experience and which types will work best for you.
Use this workbook to help you prepare for a job interview.
Tips and hints for succeeding at on-the-spot interviews.
Tips and hints on succeeding at group interviews.
Tips and hints for succeeding at panel interviews.
Tips and hints to help you understand the basics of a job interview.
Use this workbook to help you develop a cover letter you can adapt for each job you apply for.
Tips to help you ensure your cover letter is high quality and error-free.
Simple tips to create an effective and concise cover letter.
Use this workbook to create a high quality, tailored resume that gets an employer's attention.
Tips to help you ensure your resume is high quality and error-free.