'Occupation’ is a word that refers to the type of work a person does, for example, a doctor, teacher or cabinet maker. 'Industry’ refers to the main goods and services that are produced by a person’s employer.
Most occupations can be found in a number of industries. For example, while many cooks work in the Accommodation and Food Services industry, cooks are also employed in other industries. In the Healthcare and Social Assistance industry, cooks are found in hospitals, childcare centres and aged care facilities.
It's good to know that while you might build skills to work in a specific job, this same role can often lead you to a range of different work environments and industries.
By understanding how flexible an occupation can be, you can broaden your options. This increases your chances of finding the right career pathway for you.
For information on different occupations, visit Labour Market Insights at labourmarketinsights.gov.au.
For information on apprenticeships and traineeships, visit Become an Apprentice.