Ready to begin your job search but not sure where to start?
Below are some simple steps to help you get started:
Step 1 – Planning and preparation is key
We know the first step is often the hardest but understanding the benefits of working can motivate us to get out there and start looking.
Our article Get your first job, start building your future career includes a range of information and support to help you take that first step.
For more information, check out our tip sheet Planning and organising your job search.
Step 2 – Work out what you can offer
It’s important to understand what employers are looking for in workers. This will help you make the right impression when you connect with employers - when you call or visit a business, at an interview or at networking events.
Check out our article Australian employers offer advice to young job seekers for tips and advice straight from employers.
You can then work through the following resources to help you build the personal presentation and employability skills that employers are looking for:
Step 3 – Link with employers
For ideas on how to contact employers about their vacancies, review these resources:
For tips on tailoring your application to meet the needs of employers:
Step 4 – Job search trouble shooting – how can I improve my chance of getting a job?
If you’ve started applying for jobs but aren’t having any success, take time to reflect on your current job search approach.
Consider whether there might be another way to connect with employers in your chosen industry. For example, if your job seeking consists of responding to online job ads, try contacting employers directly.
Our article Job search trouble shooting lists a few possible reasons your job search activities might not be working. If any of these apply to you, check out the resources below for support on how you might improve your job search technique:
Step 5 - Remember you are not alone!
Check out our article Who can help me with my job search? for information and links to the range of services and programs that may be able to help you.
For support and information that is relevant to your individual life stage, visit our homepage.